Dear Prospective Member:

Thank you for considering the First New Jersey Regiment!  We are delighted you are thinking of joining us in our portrayal of the common soldier and camp followers in the fight for our Independence.  This is an exciting hobby to participate in and we hope that our Regiment will provide you with the opportunity to enjoy it to the fullest.

If you would like to take the next step, download our MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION here.

We place great importance on taking care of our new members.  Our officers will lead you in the right direction and make sure you are purchasing the correct period clothing and accoutrements.  We will also be available for your services if needed.  Feel free to contact us at anytime.  The first time you come out it may be a little overwhelming but hang in there.  We have all been in that position before.  This brings us to the Regimental members.

Our Regiment is very family oriented.  Families are always welcome but pets are not.  The members of the First New Jersey will go above and beyond the call of duty to Welcome you and assist you in the hobby.

As a new member, you will need to start getting your kit together.  To help you get started we can loan you some of the important items needed to portray your impression.  Also, being a soldier there are some requirements that you will need to follow:

     First and foremost is SAFETY! 

     Second, Drilling. Practice, Practice, Practice.

     Third, Participating in events.

     Fourth, Have Fun

As for portraying the camp follower, the women in the camp will help you with your kit as well as teaching you the 18th century way of life and what a camp follower’s duties were in camp.

The Packet you will receive will get you on the right track with your new adventure.  So with that being said, go grab the beverage of your choice and take a seat in your most comfortable spot and start reading.  Once again, if you have any questions feel free to call and Welcome to the First New Jersey.

Your Most Honorable Servant,

Mike Jesberger
